Maven Business Plans

How to start your own cleaning business

How to start your own cleaning business?

Are you thinking about starting your own cleaning business? Great! It’s a good idea. Many people find cleaning homes a stressful and painful job. Starting a cleaning business is like you’re going to open any small business. So don’t think that running a cleaning business is like ABC… Let’s discuss how you can start a cleaning business from the ground up.

To start this business, you don’t need special premises to store the tools and equipment. You can start this business from home. It is an activity that requires very little investment to launch and is very lucrative!

There are many models of cleaning business:

  • Large and established recognized brands,
  • Small and medium-sized businesses
  • Or even small companies that operate mainly through word of mouth in their region.

Among this competition, if you want to start your cleaning business, you will have to stand out. This is why it is recommended that you create your business plan before you start. It is a document that will allow you to visualize your future equipment and investment costs but also to study your market and, for example, find the right location for your cleaning activity.

Require Skills.

 It’s imperative to be an expert in this field, to stand out in front of your competitors. You should have information about the different cleaning products and tools. Besides, you must know well what works best in certain situations.  Your knowledge and skills can be a valuable asset that makes you distinct from your competitors. You may need to become certified to perform certain tasks, such as testing air quality, or specific types of cleaning. Due to the current situation, most of the cleaning businesses specialize in CDC to kill the virus of COVID-19.

Important information about this business:

It’s vital to do some research. It is a trendy business idea, so you need to know about your competition before you start. You would have no interest in getting into an industry that is too saturated. Moreover, also think about whether you want to open your own business or want to take a franchise.

Cost to start this business:

You will need to invest in advertising and communication early on to attract customers. All the necessary supplies and the courses that you will have to take for the certifications will also be taken into account.

Your startup costs will be between $ 1,000 and $ 2,000.

Technique to find your first customers

  • Create a website that presents you and your business. Present your services and indicate your rates.
  • Create advertisements on Google AdWords that point to your website.
  • Post advertisements on specialized sites and the right corner. You can also post ads in local newspapers and magazines. Always indicate your geographic area.
  • To enrich your website, publish articles offering helpful cleaning tips. It will encourage people to visit your site and find out more about your products and services.

Write a business plan

Before setting up your cleaning business, you will need to define the project and think about your business. It is crucial as it allows you to get your idea out of your head on paper. After knowing the startup cost, you can easily forecast how much money you’ll earn and expend over the next two years.

If you want to take a large amount of bank funding, consider making a traditional business plan. Otherwise, a one-page business plan is enough for you. However, it must clarify your estimated monthly expenses and monthly income.

Figure out the services you want to offer:

Cleaning businesses offer a wide range of services like disinfecting, vacuuming, dusting, floor mopping, and tiles washing. Not all the business offer all the services. Many companies are specialized in one kind of service.

So before starting a business, choose what kind of service you’re going to offer. Think about your abilities, skills, and niche carefully before making a decision. Here are some services that you can think of to provide:

  • Carpet cleaning or Vacuuming
  • Floor mopping and waxing services.
  • Window washing services.
  • Private residence maid services.
  • Organic home cleaning services.

Do the initial cleaning job yourself.

At the startup, don’t begin with recruitment. The best way of a startup is to work yourself. It will allow you to learn the basics of this business so you can successfully run it. In the beginning, you can get the client with the reference of your friends or relatives.

If you clean the home of your first client yourself, you can easily keep your cost low. Instead of giving this money to your hiring staff, you can utilize this money in your business.

By taking care of clientele yourself, you can build the credibility of your business. Moreover, you can also easily maintain the image of your cleaning business. When your business takes off slowly, then you can grow your workforce. This type of business can be started on a part-time basis.

Additional income:

If you plan to expand your business by offering other products or services, you can generate extra income by selling cleaning products and supplies. If you want to grow the business on your own, you can even consider setting up franchises.

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